About Us

After years spent studying great design (i.e. shopping), Micki, Vicky and Natasha decided they needed to open their own little place. A place that celebrated the simple, the beautiful, the unique.
They would only carry things they all loved.
So they found a filthy, old garage to rent. Days and days were spent perched on scaffolding scrubbing rafters with tiny whisk brooms (see photo above —- and then pretend you didn’t). After months of remodeling and searching the world for “this and thats” they finally opened KIKO, simple goods.
And in it they now carry those things they all love, things like handmade pottery, cashmere ponchos, the softest linens, the funniest cards, Parisian reading glasses, flexible spatulas, understated jewelry, interesting books and printed bandaids.
As often as possible, KIKO honors the handmade over the mass-produced, simple over glitzy, useful over useless, wood over plastic, fair trade over exploited, unique over you’ve-seen-it-everywhere-in-the-tourist-shops.
We want to become a community gathering spot, a place where people feel welcome to just hang out in our alley, or attend a workshop, shop for a gift, or just visit. A place where people will feel that we’ve tried hard to make them happy.
If you can’t come to Kauai any time soon, we hope you’ll hang out with us online.